
EMF / 5G / Electromagnetic Radiation

Facts about 5G

Antenna Search: search for the location of cell towers and antennas in your area

Environmental Health Trust - an excellent resource for cutting edge research and public policy on the effects of electromagnetic radiation and the health of our environment

Dr. Devra Davis author of Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Is Doing to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family

Dr. Devra Davis on For the Wild Podcast: 5G and the cause for concern

PHIRE: Physicians Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment - education & resources regarding the health effects of non-ionizing radiation

The Electrosensitive Society

Practical resources and information for people dealing with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

A list of 40+ WiFi free / no EMF zones around the world

The Naked Truth about 5G

EMF Aware: Professional home EMF inspections

YOUTUBE: Diagnosis, Treatment and Reversal of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity by Erica Mallery-Blythe MD

Podcasts discussing the hidden costs of wireless technology and EMF pollution

Searching For a Golden Cage: documentary following individuals with EHS who are searching for safe places to live.

Unnatural - A film by Jayme Icke discussing the technological revolution of today and the consequences of the widespread use of technology that is known to be dangerous to human and planetary health.

Generation Zapped - a documentary that investigates the potential dangers of prolonged exposure to Radio Frequencies (RF) from wireless technology; its effects on our health and well-being, as well as the health and development of our children. 

Wireless education - providing the information needed to make informed decisions about wireless technology usage A worldwide database of all wifi networks in a map format

Tech Wellness: Products, information, and solutions for the effects of technology on your body

Instagram accounts to follow for EMF / 5G education and safety

Books to read::

  • The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg, a history of the electrification of our planet and the pandemic of illness that follows

Technology to mitigate / neutralize EMF in your environment